Magic Unbound by T J Green

Magic Unbound by T J Green

Author:T J Green [Green, T J]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9780995116320
Publisher: Mountolive Publishing
Published: 2019-01-09T16:00:00+00:00


Newton’s sleek BMW sedan raced down the lanes, but despite the fact that they were only minutes behind Reuben, he was already lost to sight. They arrived with a screech of brakes and a splatter of gravel in front of Greenlane Manor and found Reuben’s car abandoned and the front door wide open.

They ran up the steps and into the reception hall, and then hesitated. It was dusk and a couple of lights were on, but the rest of the house was in darkness.

“Where the hell are they?” Newton said, trying to contain his anger. All the way to the house they had debated over what to do, but as Newton said, you can’t legally accuse someone of black magic and be taken seriously. He darted into the adjoining rooms and shouted, “Reuben!”

Silence surrounded them. They fanned out, checking the ground floor, but every room was eerily empty and extremely tidy.

“Where’s her suite of rooms? They must be in there,” Avery reasoned, itching to release some of her pent-up energy, while trying to convince herself that Alicia could be completely innocent and just a grieving widow.

“Let’s try upstairs, the opposite side from Reuben’s rooms,” Alex suggested, running up the stairs.

The first floor was in darkness, so they raced up the next flight, coming to a sudden halt as they saw a sliver of light coming from an open doorway, far down the corridor to their left.

They edged closer, Avery trying hard to catch her breath, and heard shouting. It was a woman’s voice. “Don’t be ridiculous, Reuben. You’re scaring me, stop it!”

“Don’t play the coy woman with me. You’re related to the man who killed Gil, and I want to know what you had to do with it.”

“No one killed Gil, it was an accident.”

“Bullshit. I was there. He was killed by Caspian Faversham, your cousin. Now, tell me what you know, or I will blast you from the face of the Earth.”

They all looked at each other in alarm, and then Newton pushed the door open and stepped in. “Reuben! Calm down.”

Alex followed with Avery close behind, both of them stepping on either side of Newton, ready to attack if necessary.

Reuben and Alicia were standing in front of an unlit fireplace, a few feet between them. Alicia stepped back as they entered, fear etched across her face. Reuben towered over her, emphasising how small she was.

Reuben shouted, “Keep out of this—all of you.”

Alicia looked as if she might retreat further and then thought better of it. She appealed to Newton. “He’s gone mad! He’s ranting about witches and magic. You’re the detective—I demand you arrest him!”

“The thing is,” Newton said, stepping closer, “I know you’re related to the Favershams—a magical family—and I know the whole family has a grudge against White Haven. So, you need to prove to me you had nothing to do with Gil’s death.”

Her face drained of colour. “I may be related, but I have my own life, my own business. I was away when he died!”

“But you’re not denying magic anymore, are you?” Newton countered.


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